مهیار اردکانی
ایران، تهران
24 مرداد 1368
عضویت در :
انجمن صنفی طراحان گرافیک متحرک تهران
انجمن / شماره عضویت: 3960046
انجمن بین المللی فیلمسازان انیمیشن
انجمن فیلمساران انیمیشن ایران
شماره عضویت: 289298
خود اشتغال (فریلنسر)—متخصص CGI
2015 August – Now
I’m a General Artist in live action and CGI (such as Animation, Visual Effects and Motion Graphics).
And I’m an Advanced Artist in Composite and Motion Design.
پرک نرم افزار — برنامه نویس
2014 August – 2015 August
I was the web application developer in Parak Institute.
خدمت سربازی
2012 August – 2014 August
I worked in the administrative department of one of the “Iran Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces Logistics” institutes.
مجتمع فنی آریانا —مدرس
2011 June – 2011 September
I teached Digital Graphics and Computer Concepts to kids and teenagers for about 160 hours.
موسسه پیشرو فیلم شیدا —General Artist
2007 October – 2012 August
I started Art with video editing by Premiere . I experienced videography, lighting, sound recording, sound editing, graphic design and then I learned After Effect and gradually I became interested in the VFX and Motion Graphic Design.
کاردانی انیمیشن
UAST University, Tehran
2018 September – 2020 June
No: S96138050170167
پیش دانشگاهی رشته ریاضی-فیزیک
Moallem, Tehran and Aboureyhan, Tehran
2003 September – 2007 June
No: S136116890
مفاهیم کارگردانی
ITD, Canada
2011 December – 2012 December
NO: 201305090002
کارگردانی رسانه های دیجیتال
MFT, Iran
2011 December – 2012 December
NO: 276554
دیپلم پیشرفته فن آوری اطلاعات (مهندسی نرم افزار)
NIIT, India
2010 – 2012
NO: S103021600031